RMS 4.3 Backup & Database Import
For Microsoft Windows® 98, NT, 2000, ME and XP
Note: Follow these instructions to make a backup of your RMS files before you install RMS 4.3. If you fail to
make a backup of these files, you will lose all of your data and will have to re-commission your Meyer Sound
product inventory.
© 2002, Meyer Sound. All rights reserved.
05.033.376.01 A
II. Importing Your Database Into RMS 4.3
1. From the RMS Toolbar, open the RMS Network Server and Manager.
RMS Network Server and Manager Window
2. Choose Tools > Remove Network Database…
3. Accept the warning prompts by clicking OK.
4. Minimize all RMS windows. Do not close RMS.
5. In Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\Meyer\RMS and copy your RMSNET folder and .pnl files from your
backup to your RMS folder.
6. Maximize RMS and the RMS Network Server and Manager.
7. In the RMS Network Server and Manager, choose Tools > Import Network Database…
8. Accept all defaults by clicking OK.
III. Bringing the System Online
1. Exit RMS and the RMS Network Server and Manager.
2. Click Start and choose Programs > Echelon LNS Utilities > LNS Server.
After a brief delay, the LNS Server Network Interfaces dialog appears.
LNS Server Network Interfaces Dialog
3. Select PCCLON1 and click OK.
The LNS Server establishes a connection with the RMS hardware.
Note: Your computer may appear to be doing nothing.
The LNS Server dialog appears.
LNS Server Dialog
4. Click Exit, Close All.
A prompt appears asking if you wish to shut down the LNS Server.
5. Click Yes.
6. Launch RMS.
7. When RMS is open, you may not see your Panel View or the speakers that you have commissioned. If
not, choose Panel > Open, select your desired .pnl file and click Open.
For information on operating RMS, consult the RMS User Guide.
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