NEC America, Inc.
Revision 2.0
March, 1997
Stock # 241716
Location Status Information - User Guide
General Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Here’s All You Need To Do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
To Set Location Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
To View Location Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
To Cancel Location Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
To Call an Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
NDA-30044 Revision 2.0
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Location Status Information - User Guide
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NDA-30044 Revision 2.0
Location Status Information - User Guide
General Description
Location Status Information (LSI) makes it possible for you to locate colleagues
who are away from their offices and for them to locate you. Using the regular D
V telephone features and without interrupting your regular call placement
activities, you can use LSI to:
Set your own location information for others to retrieve when they enter your
extension number. Configurable messages are available for your selection such
as “In a Meeting”, “Out of Town”, “At Lunch”, etc. You may also record the
date and time of your expected return and a telephone number where you can
be reached during your absence.
View the location information of someone else you are trying to reach. If
desired, place a call to the telephone number given in the message.
Cancel the location information you preset for your extension and ID.
Call an extension to determine whether location information is set for the called
Here’s All You Need To Do
Begin by pressing the D
key that has been assigned to LSI. Then respond to the
prompts as they are displayed on the D
LCD panel.
The instructions on the next few pages explain, for each message or prompt, what
actions you can take and what to do if an error message is displayed.
To exit or cancel any of the following procedures at any time, again press the D
key that you pressed to start LSI.
NDA-30044 Revision 2.0
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Location Status Information - User Guide
To Set Location Information
When you are going to be away from your office and wish to leave location
information for others to retrieve, press the D
follow the procedure below:
function key assigned to LSI and
When an error message
is displayed:
The LCD displays:
What you do:
Set–1 Vw–2 Cn–3 On the D
keypad, enter “1” Invalid Option=An entry
and then “#” to choose the Set other than 1, 2, 3, or an
has been made. Enter “#”
and try again, or press the
LSI key to end the session.
Enter Extension
Enter the extension number of Invalid Extn=An
the Dterm at which you are
working, and then “#”.
extension that is not in the
LSI database has been
Entering just “#” causes LSI to entered at the keypad.
default to the extension at
which you are now working.
Enter “#” to display the
prompt again, or press the
LSI key to end the session.
Enter Code
Enter your personal access
Invalid Code=LSI does
code and then a “#”. If more
not recognize the entered
than one employee is assigned code. Enter “#” to display
to the extension just entered, the prompt again, or press
this code is used to determine the LSI key to end the
which employee is using the
A location is displayed; To display the next location:
for instance,
Enter a “#”. Continue until
the desired message is
On Vacation
To select a location:
Enter “0#” to select the
displayed location.
In a Meeting
Enter the number of the
desired message, if known,
and then “#”.
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Location Status Information - User Guide
To Set Location Information (Continued)
When an error message
is displayed:
The LCD displays:
What you do:
Enter Date–MMDD
To give the date on which you’ll
Out of Range=The month must
lie between 01 and 12. The day
must lie between 01 and 31,
depending upon the number of
days in the designated month.
Enter “#” to display the prompt
again, or press the LSI key to end
the session.
Enter a two-digit month.
Months 1 through 9 should be
entered “01” through “09”.
Then enter a two-digit day.
Follow the entry with “#”.
To pass over this prompt without
entering a date:
Enter “#”.
To default to today’s date:
Enter “0#”.
Enter Time–HHMM
To give the time at which you’ll
Invalid Time=The time must lie
between 0001 (12:01 a.m.) and
Enter the hour and minute on a 2400 (12:00 midnight). Enter “#”
to display the prompt again or
press the LSI key to end the
2400 clock, followed by a “#”.
(For instance, 9:00 a.m. is
entered as 0900, and 2:30 p.m.
is entered as 1430.)
To pass over this prompt without
entering a time:
Enter “#”.
Enter Phone No
To show where you can be reached
until you return:
Enter the complete telephone
number followed by a “#”.
(Note: This number must
include all digits that are to be
dialed, including access code
and area code, and may be as
long as 22 digits.)
To pass over this prompt without
entering a time:
Enter “#”.
Message Set
To end the session and clear the
Enter “#”.
If no action is taken, LSI
automatically ends the session
and clears the display.
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Location Status Information - User Guide
To View Location Information
When you want to retrieve someone else’s location information, press the D
function key assigned to LSI and follow the procedure below:
When an error message
is displayed:
What you do:
Set–1 Vw–2 Cn–3 To select the View (Vw) function: Invalid Option=An entry, other
On the D
keypad, enter “2”
than 1, 2, or 3 or an extension or
number to call, has been made.
Try again, or press the LSI key to
end the session.
followed immediately by “#”.
Enter Extension
Enter the extension number of the Invalid Extn=An extension that is
person you are trying to reach,
followed by “#”.
not in the LSI database has been
entered at the keypad. Enter “#” to
display the prompt again, or press
the LSI key to end the session.
To default to the extension at
which you are now working:
Enter “#”.
A name is displayed if If only one employee is assigned
one has been entered to this extension, LSI displays the
into the database for
this extension.
name. To see employee status, if
Enter “#” or “0#”.
If more than one employee works
at the entered extension, to scroll
through the names:
Enter “#”.
To display the first employee
name entered for this extension:
Enter “1#”, “2#” for the
second, etc. You may jump
ahead to the correct employee
name instead of scrolling if
you know the order of
employee names.
After the correct employee name
is highlighted, to see employee
status, if any:
Enter “0#”.
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Location Status Information - User Guide
To View Location Information (Continued):
Retrieving someone else’s location data (continued):
When an error message
is displayed:
What you do:
A location is
To display the date and time
No Message Here=There is
displayed, such as: when the party will return, if this no message recorded for this
information was recorded in the extension. Enter “#” to
On Vacation
In a Meeting
Enter “#”.
display the Extension
prompt again, or press the
LSI key to end the session.
(Note: If date and time were not
recorded, this “#” entry will
display any recorded telephone
If Date and Time Enter “#” to display the
information is
recorded, it is
displayed as
telephone number where the
party can be reached. (Note: If
a telephone number was not
recorded, this “#” entry will end
the entry.)
Sep 30 1:30 p
If no time was
recorded, the date is
followed by
asterisks (****).
The last ten digits of To end the session:
the recorded
Enter a “#”. The following
telephone number
are displayed.
message will be displayed:
End of Message
To place a call to the displayed
Can’t Place Call=For some
reason, LSI is unable to
place the call shown.
Enter “0#”.
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Location Status Information - User Guide
To Cancel Location Information
When you want to cancel the information you have recorded on your phone, press
the D
function key assigned to LSI and follow the procedure below:
When an error message
What you do:
is displayed:
Set–1 Vw–2 Cn–3 To select the Cancel (Cn)
Invalid Option=An entry, other
than 1, 2, 3, or an extension or
number to call, has been made.
Enter “#” and try again, or press
the LSI key to end the session.
function, on the D
Enter “3” and then “#”.
Enter Extension
Enter Code
Enter the extension number of the Invalid Extn=An extension that is
Dterm to which the location
not in the LSI database has been
information applies, and then “#”. entered at the keypad. Enter “#” to
display the prompt again or press
the LSI key to end the session.
Enter your personal access code
and then “#”.
Invalid Code=LSI does not
recognize the entered code. Enter
“#” to display the prompt again, or
press the LSI key to end the
If more than one employee is
assigned to the extension just
entered, this code is used to
determine which employee is
using the application.
Msg Cancelled
No action is required. The preset
location data is cancelled.
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Location Status Information - User Guide
To Call an Extension
The LCD displays:
When an error message
is displayed:
What you do:
Set–1 Vw–2 Cn–3 To call an extension from the
Invalid Option=An entry, other
than 1, 2, 3, or an extension or
Enter the extension number to number to call, has been made.
call and then “#”.
Enter “#” and try again, or press
the LSI key to end the session.
If the employee
To scroll through the status
Line is Busy=The called
location is set for the entered before, date and time of
entered extension, the return (if any), and alternative
extension is busy.
status is displayed.
number, if any:
Enter “3#” after each display. Your Line Busy=Your extension
is off-hook.
To call the alternative number
while the number is displayed:
Enter “0#”.
Can’t Place Call=The call failed
for a reason other than those
shown above.
If the employee
location is not set or
the number is not in
the LSI database, LSI
will attempt to place
the call, putting D
in speaker mode. LSI
then exits OAI mode.
If more than one
employee name is
entered for that
extension, LSI
To select a highlighted name:
displays the names.
Enter “0#“.
To scroll through the names:
Enter “#”.
To see the status of the “nth”
Enter a number and then “#”.
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NDA-30044 Revision 2.0
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